
Hospital, Birth Center, and Homebirth – The Birth Hour

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Josie birthed three girls. Her birth journey began with unexplained infertility. During the season of infertility, the Clark family still managed to grow through fostering a son.  The OB Josie worked with discovered an intrauterine polyp. She performed a polypectomy, followed by a successful IUI.  Despite some red flags in the relationship with the OB, Josie continued to work with her through the hospital birth of her first daughter. Through the difficulties of that birth,  Josie learned more about her preferences and what provider would support her for any future births. Josie found her voice and planned her second birth with a black midwife at a birth center. This second birthing experience increased her knowledge and confidence, and she felt ready to transition to a home setting for her third birth. Josie’s birth journey led her to discover that her most desired birth setting is the home. The shorter labor and birth, the empowerment through experience, the relaxing home setting and a supportive birth team, Josie couldn’t have planned it any better.

Josie Clark Bio

Josie is a self-proclaimed birth nerd from the Bay Area of California.  She lives in the city of Richmond with her husband of 13 years, David, three daughters aged 7, 5, and 3, known as the J-Crew, and their 9-year-old Goldendoodle, Montana. Josie’s journey to growing her family includes a battle with infertility, becoming a foster mom, and then the experiences of birthing her daughters.  First in a hospital, second at a birthing center, and finally at home.  Each experience was better than the last, which she credits to the knowledge she gained from each birth. She now uses her love of birth to help women have their own positive birth experiences as a birth doula. Reach out to her on Instagram: @joclocs77  or via Email: ja92777@gmail.com


Natural Childbirth: The Bradley Way – Susan McCutcheon

Motif Medical

This episode was sponsored by Motif Medical. Motif designs insurance-eligible products for busy moms. With a focus on innovation and empowerment, Motif’s line of breast pumps and maternity compression garments are sophisticated, yet discreet, and made to support mothers as they navigate new motherhood. Discover why moms are reporting more milk in less time with the Luna breast pump, and see how you can get it covered through insurance at motifmedical.com/birthhour

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