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Shelby’s first birth was a hospital induction in April of 2020, during the COVID lockdown. She went into that labor and delivery completely unprepared and the hospital experience left her feeling unheard and misunderstood by hospital staff. Â
She went into her next labor and delivery with more knowledge and preparation and had a redemptive homebirth, with labor support from her mom and husband. She gave birth under her own terms and left it feeling completely empowered. Â
Shelby Grammer Bio  Â
Shelby is a Maternal Fetal Medicine Sonographer who lives just outside of Portland, Maine with her husband and two kids. Connect with Shelby though Instagram @shelby.c.grammer. Â
Resources Â
Redd Remedies
Today’s episode is sponsored by Redd Remedies. Redd Remedies has strong roots in the natural product industry and crafts Master Herbalist formulated supplements from premium ingredients, ensuring natural and effective solutions for life’s physical and emotional challenges. Peaceful Mama, one of their star products, provides stress support to all moms, including pregnant and nursing women!
To learn more about Peaceful Mama, Rhythm and Flo, and Redd Remedies and to view testimonials, head to www.reddremedies.com and use code BIRTHHOUR at checkout to get 20% off any 2 or
more items. And be sure to head over th @thebirthhour on Instagram to enter a giveaway!
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